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Airspace Change Programme

We are finalising the review of our next iteration of the Noise Action Plan. The Guidance to Airport Operators on how to prepare or revise Noise Action Plans under the Environmental Noise (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (as amended) has been delayed by a year which has pushed back the programme but we have now received the guidance. The public consultation for the next Noise Action Plan (2024-2028) will happen this summer from mid-August until September. More information please visit the Noise Action Plan Consultation page here. 


Annual Noise Report

We monitor our noise performance on an annual basis. You can view our Annual Noise Report 2023 here


Noise Action Plan (NAP)

We recognise aircraft noise can be an important issue for our local communities. The way in which we manage this is set out in our Noise Action Plan (NAP), which the airport is required to update and publish every five years.

Our 2018-2023 Noise Action Plan was produced based on extensive feedback gathered during a 6-week public consultation which took place in 2018.

The 2018-2023 plan is available to view here

We are finalising the review of our next iteration of the Noise Action Plan. The Guidance to Airport Operators on how to prepare or revise Noise Action Plans under the Environmental Noise (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (as amended) has been delayed by a year which has pushed back the programme but we have now received the guidance. The public consultation for the next Noise Action Plan (2024-2028) will happen this summer from mid-August until September. More information please visit the Noise Action Plan Consultation page here. 


Noise Insulation Policy

One of the measures involved in reducing noise for our local communities is our Noise Insulation Grant Scheme, Together with independent noise analysts and assessors and our Airport Consultative Committee (ACC), from November 2023 we will be offering a grant towards insulation annually to eligible properties. You can find out more about the scheme at our dedicated web page here.


Aberdeen Airport Flight Tracking Portal

The Flight Tracking Portal provides live noise tracking data on all flights operating to and from Aberdeen Airport. This enhanced 3D tool provides our neighbouring communities with a modelled, real-time noise footprint for all air traffic movements operating on the flight path relevant to their property. You can access the tool here.

Noise FAQs

Why do helicopters fly over my house when they could fly round built up areas and change their flight routes?

Properties within 10 miles of Aberdeen International Airport should expect to be exposed to helicopter traffic operating in support of the North Sea Oil and Gas Industry. Pilots frequently return to Aberdeen under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) when weather conditions permit. To read more on VFR click here. The pilot is required to fly in the safest manner possible taking into account various parameters such as weather conditions, other aircraft whilst remaining within Rules of the Air. These conditions dictate the route the pilot elects to fly. There are also specific regulations around their movements contained within the Air Navigation Order which can be found here.

Why can’t the flight routes be changed to stop aircraft flying over my house?

The routes to and from Aberdeen Airport will be reviewed as part of a UK wide Airspace Change initiative. Further information on this and how you can be involved can be found at www.aberdeenairport.com/airspace

Why do helicopters hover over my house for long periods of time?

Aberdeen International Airport is continuing to grow and at peak air traffic periods airborne holding is inevitable, which could be likened to rush hour traffic at a busy road junction where delays will be experienced by drivers because demand is high. Airborne holding is always kept to a minimum.

Why do helicopters sit on the ground with their blades turning and engines running for long periods and not shut down sooner?

Safety is paramount. After the last flight of the day every aircraft which has experienced a flight over water must have a desalination engine wash.  This is to remove salt deposits from the engine turbine blades which, if not removed, may cause corrosion and blade deterioration resulting in a loss of power or, worst case, turbine blade failure. The practice of “engine washing” is regulatory and carried out in accordance with the engine manufacturer’s maintenance manual. Sometimes helicopters will disembark passengers and board the next flight immediately and this may be done most efficiently whilst the engines are running.

Why do helicopters sit for long periods of time at runway holding points and not take off immediately, even though the runway looks clear?

Whilst airborne holding is inevitable at peak air traffic periods so too is ground holding. To the general public it may appear that the runway is clear however many factors influence an aircraft’s safe movement on the runway which may not be immediately obvious to the naked eye.

Why are helicopters flying lower than they did in the past?

The height restrictions on helicopters have not changed and therefore current models do not fly lower than in the past.

Why have aircraft routes changed?

In short, they haven’t. Flight paths in and out of Aberdeen International Airport have not changed in 30 years. 

Why can’t aircraft fly off in one direction only, keeping any noise away from the city?

The direction of take-off for aircraft is dependent on which runway is in operation on the day, and this in turn is dictated by the wind direction.  All aircraft must take off and land into the wind which may result in them overflying the city.

There has been an increase in helicopter noise over the past few months, what has changed?

As the North Sea oil and gas industry continues to grow the capacity demand on Aberdeen International Airport also increases. This has led to an inevitable increase in helicopter traffic. It is also not uncommon for factors such as wind direction and atmospheric pressure to affect how residents perceive noise, factors which cannot be controlled. For this reason the same aircraft operating on two different days may sound distinctly different.

What is Aberdeen International Airport doing to mitigate noise?

All the details of our mitigation plans, including the trial of specific noise barriers, can be found in our draft Noise Action Plan.

Why do you park some aircraft with their engines pointing into my house?

Adverse weather can create a hazard for parked aircraft and when high winds are being experienced or expected; lighter aircraft which may be at risk of sustaining wind damage will be parked to present least resistance – normally nose into the wind. Based on the prevailing wind at the airport this more often than not means aircraft parked with their nose pointing away from nearby homes.

Do you tell developers that helicopters will be flying over the houses they are building?

Yes, we have a dedicated department within the airport which, through consultation with the council planning department and developers, informs them when their developments will be impacted by noise from overflying aircraft. They do this to educate developers and inform potential buyers whilst working to protect the safe operations of the airport.

Noise Complaints

Please enter the details of your noise complaint below: