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All passengers must pass through security control after check-in and before entering the departure lounge at Aberdeen Airport.

Please note: The UK Government’s Department for Transport has instructed that from midnight on Saturday 8 June, 100ml restrictions on liquids will temporarily be reintroduced for passengers travelling from airports where Next Generation Security Checkpoint (NGSC) scanners are in full operation. This will impact passengers travelling through Aberdeen International Airport.

Passengers are requested to ensure that all liquids carried in cabin baggage do not exceed 100ml to help get you through the security checkpoint.



When security scanners were originally introduced in 2010, the Department for Transport (DfT) decided no alternative screening method would be offered to passengers selected to be screened by a security scanner: the so-called 'No scan, No fly' policy. This decision was made on operational and security grounds.

However, operational experience of security scanners has shown low refusal rates from passengers. This means that offering an alternative screening method, previously considered too great a burden on airports, now appears viable.

The alternative screening method will be at least a private search (an enhanced hand-search in private which may involve the loosening and/or removal of clothing). The DfT considers that this alternative offers a comparative security assurance to passengers as being screened by a security scanner.

Download body scanners information leaflet

Why are body scanners being introduced?

Keeping our passengers safe is of utmost importance to us. We are introducing this new technology into Aberdeen as it provides the best enhancements to our existing process, and serves as a thorough yet less intrusive searching process.

How are passengers selected for scanning?

For security reasons we do not provide specific details of selection or additional screening however we can give assurance that passengers will not be selected based upon ethnic origin, gender or destination of travel.

Are body scanners safe?

Yes. The body scanner’s safe millimetre-wave technology has been assessed by UK Government health & safety officials who have concluded that having a body scan does not constitute an unacceptable risk to health. The technology employed by the body scanner is designed in such a way that it maintains the security of the airport whilst also maintaining the privacy of the passenger.

What is likely to be scanned?

Body scanning requires the passenger to stand in a particular position within the scanner. There is no physical sensation and the process will take less than 10 seconds. If the scanner detects any potentially dangerous items on your person, the security officer will conduct a further check. Some passengers may also be asked to remove their shoes and/or have their headwear checked after the body scan.

Do children have to be scanned?

If selected, children will have to be screened, by means of a security scanner or alternative screening methods.

Can I view the image that is produced of me?

Yes. You can view the image as you exit the scanner. The image produced by the scanner is a generic stick like figure, with markings on those areas of the body where the scanner has detected concealed items on the passenger. No image will be saved or be retrievable at a later date and no defining characteristics of an individual are visible on screen.

Where can I find more information?

More information about body scanners can be found on the Department for Transport website

Religious and cultural headgear

New regulations now make it possible to security screen religious and cultural headgear by alternative means. If you're selected for a search using our normal processes, you can opt for any headgear worn for religious or cultural reasons to be screened by the use of security technology as an alternative to being hand searched.

To read more about the security of the wider airport campus you can download a copy of our Airport Bye-laws 2005.